Tuesday, 9 October 2007

New OTN article: Integrating JDeveloper and Designer's Table API

I'll tag this post under "another 23 + 6.2 seconds of fame".

Thanks to OTN, my article Integrating the Oracle Designer Legacy Table API with Oracle JDeveloper 11g ADF Business Components has been published, and even indexed on their front page.... be quick! I'm sure it'll be gone soon.

Without attempting to sound like a complete amateur, but indeed sounding like a complete amateur, it's pretty neat to be published at this international level. Up till now most of my articles and white papers have been published in the Australian Oracle User Group's (AUSOUG) magazine Foresight. Suddenly I've an article up in lights on the OTN front page, and for the record, a big cheesy grin to match.

My Mum will be so proud..... except she doesn't understand anything I do and listens with a blank look most of the time. I think I lost her way back in 1998 when I mentioned the acronym RDBMS.

Thanks to Justin Kestelyn and the Oracle team for accepting and editing the article, and putting up with my poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and outrages demands.

This of course makes me excited that hopefully Oracle will accept my next article, a romance-crime-mystery Oracle-Forms crossover.

1 comment:

Chris Muir said...

Oracle's reorg of their URLs has shifted the article to:
