I was involved in my first multi-million dollar IT project disaster 2 years out of university, and I certainly learned a lot. They always say you learn most from your mistakes. Luckily nobody blamed me directly (Sssssssssssssh ;)
Specializing in Oracle Fusion Middleware I have a few battle-scars from using JDeveloper and hacking web services more recently. You can read my "learnings" on this blog. In the past I've utilised such bludgeoned Oracle tools as SQL, PL/SQL, Forms, Reports, Discoverer and Designer (and let me tell you I have plenty of battle-scars from my Designer 100% generation days). In a previous life I was a C++ real-time coder, which resulted in no lose of life, though a few freight trains had near misses.
With over 12 years Oracle experience in Australia and overseas, and more recently Perth, Melbourne, and Perth again, I'm still desperately seeking a good cup of coffee on the West Coast. I think I may have found it, but there's always the chance of a better cup tomorrow.
I'm an Oracle ACE Director, was voted the Oracle ACE Director of the Year by Oracle Mag in 2009 and long term presenter and contributor to Oracle User Groups, in particular the Australian Oracle User Group among others. I'm slightly mad about Oracle stuff, but then again I'm slightly intense about many things, so take your pick at which bit to start rumours on.
I'm more than happy to chat to people via email, so feel free to send me a message at chrisDOTmuirATsagecomputingDOTcomDOTau.
The rest of my life revolves around the three ladies in my life, one who can be seen in the attached photo. Don't let that cute smile fool you.