Wednesday 4 August 2010

Perth Oracle Fusion Boardroom Briefings

...Here goes, hopefully I've a few Perth readers... If you do live in Perth and know somebody who would be interested in the following events, please forward them this post...

Penny Cookson and I are happy to announce we'll be presenting at a series of presentations coming out of Oracle's Perth offices entitled Fusion Boardroom Briefings. These briefings are open to everyone and provide a good opportunity to learn from presentation-by-presentation a wide array of Fusion topics, issues and solutions.

As readers who are familiar with SAGE Computing Services already know, Penny and I take great effort to present Oracle technologies warts and all, to give people a serious handle on both the opportunities and challenges in adopting Oracle's technologies. The briefings therefore present a unique IT event series that don't shy away from the gritty details, but strive to give you all the details so you're well armed to make your Oracle IT projects succeed.

My first presentation 3pm Thursday 12th of August "SOA Lite: A taste of SOA with a Smidgen of Web Services" is one of my favourite presentations talking about the ins and outs of using web services in your organisation, from my own personal IT experience.

Abstract: Attempting to gorge yourself on the five-course SOA meal may result in a stomach ache and a bill you can least afford at the moment. Instead, a quick and easy recipe with some simple ingredients of Web services will give your systems that little taste of SOA you so crave. Chris will describe why Web services may be a better fit for you than SOA, qualities of contemporary Web services, what skills to focus on when starting out with Web services, and a few hints and tips from the Web service trenches.

Given the presentation will finish at 4:15pm, if anybody would like to hang around and ask questions I welcome the chance for an informal chat. My favourite part of presenting is the questions I get at the end where I get a better idea of what other real IT practitioners are doing out there, namely you.

You can register for the event here, along with a number of other events.

On the registration page note some of the other sessions you can vote for in the future. Of particular note is "A Path to the Future for Dinosaur Nerds: JDeveloper ADF - A Mind Map for Forms Developers" which is Penny's first presentation, followed by another one of mine "Oracle JDeveloper 11g JAX-WS Web Services: As easy as 1-2-3: XSD, WSDL, Generate!" If you're keen to see these topics please don't forget to vote.

Penny and I look forward to seeing you at these events soon.

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