Monday, 20 June 2011

JDev – af:showDetailItems and af:regions – programmatic activation - part 2

The previous blog post in this series looked at the default behaviour of the ADF framework in of the af:region tag embedded in a af:showDetailItem tag. In this post we'll look at programmatically controlling the activation of regions to stop unnecessary processing.

This example will be simplified to only look at one af:region in the hidden second af:showDetailItem. The basic page entitled ShowDetailItemWithRegion looks as follows:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
xmlns:h="" xmlns:af="">
< contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
<af:document id="d1">
<af:form id="f1">
<af:panelAccordion id="pa1">
<af:showDetailItem text="DummyShowDetailItem" disclosed="true" id="sdi1">
<af:outputText value="DummyValue" id="ot1"/>
<af:showDetailItem text="Charlie" disclosed="false" id="sdi2">
<af:region value="#{bindings.CharlieTaskFlow1.regionModel}" id="r1"/>
<af:commandButton text="Submit2" id="cb2"/>
Note the first af:showDetailItem is disclosed (open) and purely exists to act as the open af:showDetailItem with the second af:showDetailItem we're actually interested in is closed. Note the second af:showDetailItem has our embedded af:region calling CharlieTaskFlow.

The CharlieTaskFlow looks as follows:

Similar to the last post, the LogBegin Method Call simple calls a bean method to log the actual start-of-processing for the bean. In turn both the initializer and finalizer of the task flows are also logged. A pageFlowScope bean CharlieBean1 shows all the methods:
package test.view;

import oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger;

public class CharlieBean {
public static ADFLogger logger = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(CharlieBean.class);

private String charlieValue = "charlie1";

public void setCharlieValue(String charlieValue) {"setCharlieValue called(" + (charlieValue == null ? "<null>" : charlieValue) + ")");
this.charlieValue = charlieValue;

public String getCharlieValue() {"getCharlieValue called(" + (charlieValue == null ? "<null>" : charlieValue) + ")");
return charlieValue;

public void taskFlowInit() {"Task flow initialized");

public void taskFlowFinalizer() {"Task flow finalized");

public void logBegin() {"Task flow beginning");
And finally the CharlieFragment.jsff contains the following code:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:af="">
<af:inputText label="Charlie value" value="#{pageFlowScope.charlieBean1.charlieValue}" id="it1"/>
In turn we've configured the same PhaseListener class to assist us in reading the debug output:
public class PhaseListener implements javax.faces.event.PhaseListener {

public static ADFLogger logger = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(PhaseListener.class);

public void beforePhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent) {;

public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent) {;

public PhaseId getPhaseId() {
return PhaseId.ANY_PHASE;
When we run the parent page we see:

And the following in the logs:
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RENDER_RESPONSE 6
<CharlieBean> <taskFlowInit> Task flow initialized
<CharlieBean> <logBegin> Task flow beginning
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RENDER_RESPONSE 6
Once again as we discovered from the first blog post in this series we can see that even though the CharlieTaskFlow is not showing, it is being initialized and executed to at least the LogBegin activity, though not as far as CharlieFragment.jsff.

This in many circumstances is going to be undesirable behaviour. Imagine a screen made up of several af:showDetailItems, most closed, where the user rarely opens the closed collections. From a performance point of view the hidden task flows are partially executed when their results may never be used by the users and is a waste of resources.

The solution to this is in the task flow binding that backs the af:region of the main page. When dropping the task flow onto the page as an af:region, a task flow binding is also added to the relating pageDef file:

The task flow binding includes a number of properties revealed by the property inspector, of which the "activation" and "active" properties we're interested in:

These properties can be used to control the activation and deactivation of the task flow backing the af:region. Under JDev the values for the activation property are:

1) <default> (immediate)
2) conditional
3) deferred
4) immediate

While option 1 says it's the default, in fact option 3 "deferred" will be picked by default when the task flow binding is created (go figure?). This in itself is odd because the documentation for states that the deferred option defaults back to "immediate" if we're not using Facelets (which we're not, this is an 11.1.2 feature). So 3 out of 4 options in the end are immediate, and the other is conditional. (Agreed, this is somewhat confusing, but it'll become clearer in the next blog post looking at these properties under 11.1.2, that the deferred option takes on a different meaning)

The "immediate" activation behaviour implies that the task flow binding will always be executed when the pageDef for the page is accessed. This explains why the hidden task flow in the af:showDetailItem af:region is actively initialized, mainly because the ADF lifecycle that in turn processes the page bindings is bolted on top of the JSF lifecycle, and the task flow binding doesn't know its indirectly related af:region is rendered in an af:showDetailItem that is closed.

The "conditional" activation behaviour in conjunction with the active property allows us to programmatically control the activation based on an EL expression. It's with this option we can solve the issue of our task flows being early executed.

To implement this in our current solution we create a new sessionBean to keep track of if the region is activated or not:
package test.view;

public class ActiveRegionBean {

private Boolean regionActivation = false;

public void setRegionActivation(Boolean regionActivation) {
this.regionActivation = regionActivation;

public Boolean getRegionActivation() {
return regionActivation;
We then modify our task flow binding in our page to use "conditional" activation, and an EL expression to refer to the state of the regionActivation variable within our sessionScope ActiveRegionBean:

Note by default the regionActivation is false to match the state of our second af:showDetailItem which is closed by default.

We also need to include some logic to toggle the regionActivation flag when the show af:showDetailItem is opened, as well as programmatically refreshing the af:region. To do this we can create a disclosureListener that refers to a new backing bean, as well as a component binding for the af:region. As such the code in our original page is modified as follows:
<af:showDetailItem text="Charlie" disclosed="false" id="sdi2"
<af:region value="#{bindings.CharlieTaskFlow1.regionModel}" id="r1"
<af:commandButton text="Submit2" id="cb2"/>
Note the new disclosureListener property on the af:showDetailItem, and the binding property on the af:region.

In turn our requestScope DisclosureBean bean looks as follows:
public class DisclosureBean {

private RichRegion charlieRegion;

public static Object resolveELExpression(String expression) {
FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Application app = fctx.getApplication();
ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
ELContext elContext = fctx.getELContext();
ValueExpression valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, expression, Object.class);
return valueExp.getValue(elContext);

public void openCharlie(DisclosureEvent disclosureEvent) {
ActiveRegionBean activeRegionBean = (test.view.ActiveRegionBean)resolveELExpression("#{activeRegionBean}");

if (disclosureEvent.isExpanded()) {
// } else {
// activeRegionBean.setRegionActivation(false);

public void setCharlieRegion(RichRegion charlieRegion) {
this.charlieRegion = charlieRegion;

public RichRegion getCharlieRegion() {
return charlieRegion;
Note in the openCharlie() method we check if the disclosureEvent is for opening or closing the af:showDetailItem. If opening, we set the sessionScope's regionActivation to true which will be picked up by the task flow binding's active property to initialize the CharlieTaskFlow. In turn we add a programmatic refresh to the charlieRegion in order for the updates to the task flow to be seen in the actual page.

Now when we run our page for the first time we see the following log output:
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RENDER_RESPONSE 6
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RENDER_RESPONSE 6
Note that from our previous runtime example, we can't see the following entries:
<CharlieBean> <taskFlowInit> Task flow initialized
<CharlieBean> <logBegin> Task flow beginning
This implies the CharlieBean hasn't been activated unnecessarily even when the af:showDetailItem is closed. If we then expand the af:showDetailItem, the logs reveal that the task flow is started accordingly:
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
<CharlieBean> <taskFlowInit> Task flow initialized
<CharlieBean> <logBegin> Task flow beginning
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RENDER_RESPONSE 6
<CharlieBean> <getCharlieValue> getCharlieValue called(charlie1)
<CharlieBean> <getCharlieValue> getCharlieValue called(charlie1)
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RENDER_RESPONSE 6
Here we can see the initialization of the CharlieTaskFlow. In turn unlike the default behaviour, we can now also see that getCharlieValue() is being called. The resulting web page:

What happens when we close the af:showDetailItem? The logs show:
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RESTORE_VIEW 1
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
<CharlieBean> <getCharlieValue> getCharlieValue called(charlie1)
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
<CharlieBean> <taskFlowFinalizer> Task flow finalized
<PhaseListener> <beforePhase> RENDER_RESPONSE 6
<PhaseListener> <afterPhase> RENDER_RESPONSE 6
getCharlieValue() is called to fire any ValueChangeListener. But also we can see the CharlieBean1 finalizer called. Because in our request bean we've deactivated our region, the task flow is forced to close. This may or may not be desired functionality, because once open, you might wish the task flow to maintain its state. If you do wish the task flow state to be retained the openCharlie() method in the request scope bean should be modified as follows:
if (disclosureEvent.isExpanded()) {
// } else {
// activeRegionBean.setRegionActivation(false);
At the conclusion of this post we can see that the default behaviour of regions and task flows under the af:showDetailItem tag can at least be programmatically controlled to stop unnecessary execution of the underlying task flows. Interestingly this was a similar problem to Oracle Forms, where separate data blocks contained within tab pages would be eagerly executed unless code was put in place to stop this.

The next post in this series will look at the "deferred" activation option for task flows in JDev 11.1.2.

Sample Application

A sample application containing solutions for part 2 of this series is available here.


This post was inspired by Oracle's Steve Davelaar who highlighted the new region processing in JDev 11.1.2. The introduction of the new 11.1.2 feature led me to explore the default behaviour under without the new feature.

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