These instructions are gathered from numerous internet resources and much of the credit must be given to these authors for their superb guides. The main difference for my guide is the inclusion of screenshots which I prefer over text or video, and the occasional fix where the original instructions didn’t work for me. Reference to the external authors is given throughout this article.
Installing Ubuntu 10.10 Server on VMWare Fusion
Opening credit must go to Ted Wise for his XE on Mac guide. Ted’s guide is very indepth detailing the exact options for installing Ubuntu’s JeOS 8.04. Ubuntu doesn’t appear to have a JeOS download for 10.10 so my instructions are the Ubuntu 10.10 Server .iso instead.
First download the Ubuntu “i386” 10.10 Server edition as the Oracle XE .deb package downloaded later is “i386” too. I’m a little unsure why, but there doesn’t appear to be a 64bit version of the i386 ISO for Ubuntu, but there is an Ubuntu amd64 server release for 10.10. While the amd64 version will run in VMWare Fusion, later on attempting to install the Oracle XE .deb package, it will complain it’s only for the i386 platform, which makes the amd64 Ubuntu unviable.
There’s obviously something I don’t know about the Ubuntu supported platforms and the relating ISOs.
iiNet (local Aussie ISP) provides a handy mirror.
Once downloaded open the VMWare Fusion. From the menu select File -> New which opens the New Virtual Machine Assistant wizard:
Once you press Save the VM will start and the Ubuntu installer will flash through some startup screens, quickly arriving at the first option to select English as the preferred language:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
When prompted press Y
Finally reboot the server:
sudo shutdown –r now
Install VMWare Tools
Here we depart from Ted's instructions. The Ubuntu Community documentation provides under the "Installing from Ubuntu package from VM-tools" heading the instructions for installing the VMWare Tools. A number of prescribed methods didn't work, including those requiring the VMWare Tools to be mounted via a virtual cdrom.
On logging in again as administrator, enter the following commands. Note the third command; as we've installed a UI-less Ubuntu Server we use this specific command (the Ubuntu documentation lists 2 options):
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-virtual
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends open-vm-dkms
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends open-vm-tools
Installing Oracle XE
First login as administrator and install the prerequisite libraries and packages:
sudo aptitude install libaio-dev
sudo apt-get install bc
Note that there appears to be some documentation around that indicates if Oracle XE is installed under Ubuntu 64bit, there are additional prerequisite libraries that must be installed including "bc" and "ia32-libs".
In the next step I had significant issues in using the usual method that most others used to download Oracle XE. As described in Ted's instructions, the typical manner is to download and Oracle XE is to add an entry to your /etc/apt/sources.list, use wget to retrieve the GPG key for the Oracle XE package and install it the APT repository, then finally download Oracle XE using APT.
Instead I came up with the following solution.
Via my browser I discovered the URL of the Oracle XE i386 deb package from the OTN web page was as follows:
Still logged in as administrator, issue the following command changing the username and password to match your OTN username and password:
(Post edit: It appears the wget command can't deal with the licence prompt the Oracle website asks for. To solve this, in your Mac and your favourite browser, access the following page and accept the license condition. This will set your IP up to be allowed to download the software, such that both your Mac and the VMWare session can download the .deb file. Obviously another option is to download the .deb file onto your Mac, and then access it from your VMWare session)
wget --user=(username) --password=(password)
This will download the XE .deb file. Once completed we can install the .deb file using dpkg (more information on .deb files and dpkg can be found via Chris Buckridge's page):
sudo dpkg -i oracle-xe_10.2.0.1-1.0_i386.deb
Ensure to complete the usermod step next otherwise the administrator user will not be given correct privileges to install and start the database after a reboot:
(Post edit: there's a mistake in my notes here. Either the following command must be entered now, or, after the oracle-xe configure line next. Without reinstalling the whole VM it's currently hard for me to check this)
sudo usermod -g dba administrator
The next command configures and installs the database:
sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
At the prompts:
1) Enter a port for Apex, the default being 8080
2) Enter a port for the Oracle Listener, the default being 1521.
3) Enter a password for the SYS/SYSTEM database accounts.
4) When prompted enter Y to allow Oracle XE to be started with the VM boots.
For reference /etc/default/oracle-xe is the configuration file which stores these options.
Once completed, edit the following file via or similar:
vi ~/.bashrc
At the end of the file enter the following:
export PATH
Finally we need to login to the database as system and allow remote access to the HTTP server:
sqlplus system/(password)
Accessing the APEX homepage from the VM Host (not Guest)
Finally to access the APEX homepage from the VM Host, on the guest issue the command "ifconfig" which will reveal the current IP of the VM guest, listed under the "eth0" "inet addr" entry, as example
On the VM Host, return to your favourite browser and enter:
..and the APEX home page should display. Ensure you can login using the SYSTEM account.
It's worth checking from a tool like JDeveloper installed under OSX that you can also access the database.
For the record to connect to Apex via the VM host, switch the Network setting to Bridged Adapter.
Good article. It lead me to install Oracle XE on Ubuntu Server 12.04 hosted a Ubuntu Desktop 12.04.
My next challenge is put it roll with Ubuntu Server 12.04 64bits and Oracle XE 11g converted from RPM.
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